Bringing the gig economy to an ancient profession

Today everyone wants jobs done swiftly and at a fixed up front fee. Ideally by the best person for the job.

Finding lawyers online isn’t exactly difficult. Finding one that can do what you need isn’t much harder but getting the job you want and no more done for a fixed fee seems somewhat elusive.

Well, unless you go to a barrister – whose business model has been fixed fees since before the phrase was invented.

This does mean you don’t get the long term direct support of a solicitor throughout a case, but when you just need a specific job doing you know you get that done.

Fortunately some solicitors are coming around to this idea, but for specific advice, drafting or advocacy barristers are well used to delivering a job at the right price.

PS yes, there are times you pay an hourly rate for a barrister but that’s much rarer.

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